Thursday, November 13, 2008

Soros makes sense

Below are some of Mr. Soros's views and I have to say I find myself in considerable agreement with almost all of the points he makes.

My explanation for why there will be recession:
Time to delever: The basic idea behind this is that it took 3-5 years for various financial institutions in the LOW volatility cycle to lever up (as volatility decreases, financial institutions lever up to make higher returns since lower volatility typically means lower spreads on illiquid and hard to value assets which is how most people make money. Also the "risk" seems lower so institutions can gamble more)So it will take time to UNlever.

Consumers delever too when they are losing jobs AND can;t get credit card lines Just as banks levered up, consumers levered up to with the savings rate dipping to 1% or so from 7%. Thus there will be considerable "systematic" and systemic pain. Systematic pain/risk means ALL people suffer together. Hence we will have a recession.

I continue to hold my short position that I put on when the S&P reached a 1000 and Mr. Obama got elected.

Mr. Soros's comments text from yahoo

Soros says deep recession inevitable, depression possible
Thursday November 13, 11:01 am ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - George Soros, chairman of Soros Fund Management, testified at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on Thursday. Highlights:

* Said "a deep recession is now inevitable and the possibility of a depression cannot be ruled out."

* Said hedge funds were an integral part of the financial market bubble which now has burst.

* Said hedge funds will be "decimated" by the current financial crisis and forced to shrink their portfolios by 50-75 percent.

* Said Fed, Treasury Department and the SEC must accept responsibility to prevent market bubbles from growing too big in future.

Said impossible to prevent market bubbles from forming, but they can be kept within "tolerable bounds."

* Said financial engineering should be regulated and new products approved by regulators, and that such regulation should be a high priority of the new Obama administration.

* Said a recent IMF credit facility not large enough to stabilize markets.

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